Win half of start fee!
Get loads of fun at AR in Beskidy mountains in Poland and win half of start fee for CZAR21! Two conditions must be met only: You have to race in one of two long categhories: Either “LONG&HARD” or “SHORTER but HARD” and there must be registered at least 25 pairs in total. Plus have a … Read more
Who is in?
From… THIS MOMENT you can sign up your teams for CZAR21. GO FOR IT!!
Venue has been set
This year you will enjoy the gorgeous nature of South Bohemia – the race will start in Dobronice u Bechyně.
Save the date for 2021
15.-18. 9. 2021 is the most important you need to know about Wenger CZAR21. Keep it in your diaries and stay tuned for registrations. Yes, after ages the race moved to September.
Download CZAR-2020-GPX
Wenger CZAR20 on TV, radio & on-line
Wenger Czech Adventure Race will pop up when you switch on Sport5 TV (rep. here), you could hear about it on Radio Beat and take a look at photo album with funny comments (in Czech) on aktuálně.cz. All links you can find on our facebooku, incl. links on race reports.
Results and Video Wenger CZAR20
Final race results and short video which will lead you through the whole race.